
Kenya brave brunch

Mamo vipi my gorgeous Kenyan girls! Karibuni Brunch with me this Saturday. It will be an afternoon filled with girl time, Jesus, and sweet treats. We have Kenya’s #1 chef Jasmine Macharia from “Cooking with Jaz” who’s going to spoil us with incredible dishes. This brunch will be all about hearing your dreams and encouraging you to step out in faith & do all that God has called you to.

18 Special Ladies

Open for a limited amount of ladies as I want to have quality time with each of you and stand with you in agreement for all that God is going to do through & in you no matter what season He has placed you in. You have a purpose & significance right where you are standing.

Date: Saturday, October 13th

Location: Leomar Court

Number 45 on Westlands Road (Behind Kempinski)

Register: MPESA 2,000

Phone number: 0712825095 - Jasmine

Contact: Email us at bravebyfaithtravel@gmail.com upon registration!