Juliette Bush has traveled to over 36 countries and has lived in 3 continents. Asia, Africa and North America. She has lived in Dubai for 3 years as well as Cape Town, South Africa for another 3 years.  In Dubai, is where she had her revelation of Christ. Growing up in a Christian family, she knew who God was but didn't fully rely and depend on Him until moving 7,000 miles away, without them being near to fulfill all her immediate needs. She had to seek God for advice, counsel, wisdom and provision. Beginning her career as a flight attendant with Emirates, she used that time to grow closer to Him. It was through this period of traveling and living abroad, her eyes were opened and her world expanded. What she thought was her "dream life" in America, God turned around for something even larger and unimaginable then she ever imagined. From traveling as a missionary, living in Cape Town, South Africa to now working in international ministry full time. Her passion is for others to realize the impossible made possible in their life and relationship with Christ.

Juliette is also the author of two books: Brave by Faith and I'm 30, I'm Single, and I Don't Care! She also has her own faith inspired clothing line at bravebyfaith.com that encourages others to step out boldly in faith and do what God has called them to do!